Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Exercise and Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

For those who have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), understanding what you can and cannot do is often challenging. MS is thought to be an autoimmune disease and is described as a progressive demyelinating disease of the white matter of the central nervous system. This means that the body’s own defense system attacks the substance that surrounds and protects the nerve fibers in the body. Plus, the nerve fibers themselves can also be damaged. Scar tissue is formed and nerve impulses traveling throughout the body are distorted. Since nerve impulses are the means by which our bodies communicate with themselves, this can cause a wide variety of symptoms and each person’s experience with MS can be quite different. Some of the clinical features commonly associated with MS are general fatigue and muscular weakness, as well as spasticity, ataxia, sensory disturbances, and cognitive dysfunction. 1,2

In the last 15 years, there has been quite a bit of activity and progress in the pharmacological arena. Although there is still no cure, numerous drugs have been and will continue to be tested for all stages of MS. However, it is important to take a look at what else can be done to improve the quality of life of patients diagnosed with MS. According to information provided by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, there are many effective strategies available to modify the disease course, treat flare-ups, manage symptoms, and improve function and safety. One of the more commonly suggested strategies is to exercise. Exercise has been shown in numerous research studies to significantly improve the quality of life in MS patients. One such study took a look at how structured exercise affected MS patients both physically and psychologically. Considerable improvements were found in those who exercised when compared to a control group. Depression, anger, and fatigue were reduced while social activity, emotional behavior, and recreational pursuits increased. 3 In fact, excessive fatigue is commonly mentioned as one of the most frequent symptoms of MS patients and has been shown to be significantly reduced by controlled exercise.

What does all of this mean? Well, it means that if you have been diagnosed with MS, it is recommended and even encouraged that you exercise. Exercise can be a vital component of your treatment strategy. However, take it slow! Don’t overdo it. Progress yourself a little bit at a time. Pushing yourself to your limits or beyond them can have the opposite effect from what you desire. Remember, your nervous and muscular systems are already strained.

Before you begin an exercise program, check with your doctor to see if he or she has any recommendations for you. You may find that there are certain types of exercise that you should avoid. However, for many MS patients there are typically a wide variety of types of exercises that can be done such as light strength training, cardiovascular exercise, Pilates, balance training, swimming, Gyrokinesis, and even some basic yoga.

Some things to consider when planning your exercise are:

  •  Prepare your environment. Whether you choose to exercise at home or in a public setting, make certain that your surroundings are safe and not distracting. Remove objects that you could trip over or surfaces that you could slip on. Ensure adequate lighting and avoid blaring music.

  • Consider exercising with a friend or family member that understands MS and what challenges it represents to you. Plus, they could help to motivate you to stay consistent with your exercise program.

  • Begin with a short-duration workout and add to it a little bit each week.

  • Always warm-up before beginning exercise and cool-down when finished. Warming up prepares your body for exercise and helps to prevent injuries.

  • Stop if you begin to feel sick or experience pain.

  • Consult a Certified Fitness Professional that is experienced in working with those who have been diagnosed with MS. An understanding, qualified Fitness Professional can help you put together a program that is right for you.

Another important point to mention is that MS can often cause sensitivity to heat. Of course, an increase in body temperature occurs during exercise, thus try to be careful not to overheat. Some common recommendations include exercising during the cooler parts of the day, drinking plenty of cool fluids, and wearing cool and loose fitting clothing. If you are exercising indoors, try to have fans available to create some air movement. In the event that you feel disoriented or experience increased symptoms, stop exercising and allow yourself to cool down.

Keep in mind, if you have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, exercise can play a large role in maintaining the quality of life that you desire. MS affects the nervous system and exercise has been proven time and again to have a positive impact on the nervous system. When you are ready to start an exercise program, I highly recommend contacting your physician right away to inform them of your intentions. Once you have clearance from your physician, contact a qualified Fitness Professional to begin putting together a program that suits your needs. Lastly, relax and have fun with it!

1. Kesselring J. Multiple sclerosis. Cambridge Univ. Press, UK, 1997.

2. Krupp LB, Alvarez LA, La Rocca NG, Scheinberg LC. Fatigue in multiple sclerosis. Arch Neurol 1988; 45: 435-37.

3. Petajan JH, Gappmaier E, White AT, et al. Impact of aerobic training on fitness and quality of life in multiple sclerosis. Ann Neurol 1996; 39: 432-441.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fat Free Food? Are We Being Legally Lied To?

I love breakfast food! Breakfast is absolutely the best meal of the day. I thoroughly enjoy mornings that involve no pressing commitments to rush off to, a nice hot cup of coffee, and a hot meal. Those mornings don’t come often enough.

This morning was one of those mornings. The house was quiet and my stomach grumbled as I tried to decide between hot oatmeal and my favorite….eggs. Sure enough, the refrigerator light soon flashed on as I reached in for the carton of eggs. Now, did I write this article to tell you all about my day and favorite breakfast food? No, not at all…in fact, I’m sure most of you are either completely bored right now or have stopped reading this altogether! However, for those of you still hanging on, I wanted write this to clear the air on one of the many fitness-related topics that I encounter daily. Namely, fat free food products and their labels.

I was about to crack open my first egg when the can of fat free cooking spray caught my eye. After I gave the pan its usual quick spray, I stared at the can of cooking spray, once again, amazed at how food product manufacturers are allowed to get away with making the claims that they are legally allowed to make. I decided it’s time to write about one of the many things that we teach our fitness clients each day…that is, food labeling law and how the loopholes are used to influence us to buy various products.

Today, I want to reveal a few truths about dietary fat and its presence on a food label. By now, we all should know that healthy eating is a vitally important piece of the puzzle that we need for our bodies to look and feel great, and to function at their very best. As a result, most of us know that we should limit the amount of fat that we ingest. (If you are interested in knowing why we should limit our fat intake, you can find that information in another article or stop by our studio and ask!) As a result, many of us opt for products labeled as “fat free.” Let me skip any further formalities and list for you the FDA’s law on how a product can legally make the claim “fat free.”

This term means that a product contains no amount of, or only trivial or "physiologically inconsequential" amounts of, one or more of these components: fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, sugars, and calories. For example, "calorie free" means fewer than 5 calories per serving and "sugar free" and "fat free" both mean less than 0.5 g per serving. Examples of synonyms for "free" include "without," "no" and "zero." A synonym for fat-free milk is "skim."
     Source: Excerpted from FDA Backgrounder, May 1999: The Food Label.

 That is great! This law can help us to quickly choose between foods to find those that have no fat in them. Stop!! Did you catch the loophole that many product manufacturers use to make their products seem healthier than they really are? Granted, there are many very responsible food manufacturers out there. However, most of them take the phrase “…and “fat free” both mean less than 0.5 g per serving” to its most literal sense. Many products simply adjust the serving size of a food to be small enough that the fat content in that particular serving is less than 0.5 grams.

I love to use fat free cooking spray as a perfect example of how this law can be abused. The cooking spray that I used this morning reads “Fat Free Olive Oil Cooking Spray” and “For Fat-Free Cooking.” When I flip over the can the Nutrition Facts chart reads “Total Fat 0 g”, “Calories 0”, and “Calories from Fat 0.” This type of labeling leads many of us to believe exactly what it states. “I can use this product freely because there are no calories or fat.” The fact is 100% of what comes out of this can IS fat! Every gram of fat brings with it 9 calories. Now granted, olive oil is a great choice when compared to other oils, but this product is anything but calorie and fat free!

If you have a can of Fat Free Cooking Spray, take it out of the cupboard and look at the back. Most of them (including mine) have adjusted the serving size to be so small that very little product comes out of the can with each serving. My can puts a serving size at 1/3 sec. spray. Can anyone press and release the nozzle that fast? Either way, this is how they can legally call the product fat free. Supposedly, only 0.25 g of olive oil comes out in 1/3 sec. spray. This is less than 0.5 g and falls within the FDA’s definition of fat free.

Do you only use 1/3 sec. of spray each time? I certainly don’t. I would assume that there are 0 calories in this can of cooking spray. Actually, by doing the math on the contents of my can, there are approximately 1,044 calories in it. Big difference.

Am I telling you not to use cooking spray? Not at all! I’m simply trying to tell you to not believe everything a label tells you. Don’t be fooled by hype on a package. Cooking spray is merely a clear example. Rather than relying on the big print on the front of the package or even the Nutrition Facts chart, try to learn to recognize what is in the ingredient list underneath the Nutrition Facts chart. Fact is, olive oil cooking spray is a much better choice than many of the other ways to grease a pan. I guess we just need to learn to push the nozzle a little faster!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Are you struggling to change your health for the better? Just remember that it's not failure until you quit.
Thought for the day: You can't out-exercise bad eating habits.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hey everyone! I'm just testing out how to post to my blog from my phone. I have so many things to share and am hoping this will make it easier! Stay tuned!